Part payments are a way to accept partial payments for an invoice. You can create a part payment for an invoice to accept a partial payment from a customer.

Create a part payment

To create a cpart payment, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the invoice for which you want to create a part payment.
  2. Use the overflow menu (•••) and select Create part payment.
  3. Use the Amount field to enter the amount of the part payment to apply to each line item. The Amount remaining field shows the remaining amount that can be paid.
  4. The Total amount to pay field shows the total amount of the part payment that will be applied to the invoice.
  5. Check the Payment outside of Yorlet box if the payment was made outside of Yorlet.
  6. Click Create to create the part payment.

If you did not select the Payment outside of Yorlet box, the part payment will be created with the status unpaid. If you selected the Payment outside of Yorlet box, the part payment will be created with the status paid.

Creating a part payment will also result in a partial transfer being created based in the transfer behavior of each invoice line item being part paid.

Charge a part payment

To charge a part payment, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the part payment you want to charge.
  2. Click the Charge part payment button.
  3. Select the Payment method.
  4. Click Charge customer to charge the part payment.

Void a part payment

You can only void a part payment if the part payment has the status unpaid.

To void a part payment, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the part payment you want to void.
  2. Click the Void button.

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