Credit notes are a way to adjust the amount owed by a customer. You can create a credit note for an invoice to adjust the amount owed by a customer.

Create a credit note

To create a credit note, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the invoice for which you want to create a credit note.
  2. Use the overflow menu (•••) and select Issue credit note.
  3. Select the Reason for the credit note.
  4. Use the Credit amount field to adjust the amount of credit to apply to each line item. The Amount remaining field shows the remaining amount that can be credited.
  5. The Total amount to credit field shows the total amount of credit that will be applied to the invoice.
  6. Optionally, add a Memo to the credit note. It will be visible to the customer.
  7. Click Create to issue the credit note.

View and manage credit notes

You can view and manage credit notes from the Credit notes tab on the invoice page. The credit notes are listed with the following details:

  • Credit note number: The unique identifier for the credit note.
  • Reason: The reason for the credit note.
  • Credit amount: The amount credited.

Void a credit note

To void a credit note, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the credit note you want to void.
  2. Click the Void button.

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