We’ll walk you through the process of importing data into Yorlet during onboarding. It follows a step-by-step approach to ensure that you can import your data correctly.

Import steps



This is your landlord, leaseholder, and supplier data.


Buildings and units

This is your building and unit data. You can use the owner data imported in step one to attach the units to their owners.


Active tenancies

These are your active tenancies. You can use the unit data imported in step two to attach the tenancies to their units.


The owner record is used to store the details of the people or businesses that own the properties.

Formatted fields

The following fields need to be formatted to ensure that the data is imported correctly.

business_typeCan be one of individual or company.
typeCan be one of landlord, leaseholder, or supplier.
address.countryThis should be a two letter country code. For example, “GB” for United Kingdom.
tax_residencyThis should be a two letter country code. For example, “GB” for United Kingdom.

Owners import

Download the owners import template.

Buildings and units

Yorlet supports two different structures for your properties: single property and multi-unit.

Use the single property type when you’re adding a property you wish to lease as one. For example, a property with three residents all each paying rent.

We are going to create a building record at the same time as a unit record. Single property buildings can only have one unit.

Formatted fields

The following fields need to be formatted to ensure that the data is imported correctly.

currencyThis should be a three letter currency code. For example, “gbp” for British Pound.
referenceIf you have a unique reference for the unit either from your own system or a previous system, you can add it here.
building_data.address.countryThis should be a two letter country code. For example, “GB” for United Kingdom.
furnishedThis should be either true or false.
fees.management_feeThis should be an integer. For example, 10% should be 10.
fees.taxThis should be an integer. For example, 20% VAT should be 20.
owners[0].ownerThis should be the ID of the owner record you created in the owners import that you want to attach to this unit. This can also be the email address of the owner if you have not yet imported the owner data.
owners[0].percent_ownershipThis should be an integer. For example, 100% ownership should be 100.
You can add multiple owners to a unit if the property is owned by multiple people. For each owner increment the index of the owners array. For example, the first owner is owners[0], the second owner is owners[1], and so on. The sum of all the owners[].percent_ownership fields should be 100.

Units import (single property)

Download the unit import (single property) template.

Active tenancies

The active tenancy record is used to store the details of the tenancies that are currently active including current tenants and rent details.

Formatted fields

The following fields need to be formatted to ensure that the data is imported correctly.

typeMust be active_tenancy.
currencyThis should be a three letter currency code. For example, “gbp” for British Pound.
unitThis should be the ID of the unit record you created in the units import.
start_dateThis should be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
end_dateThis should be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If the tenancy is rolling, you can leave this blank.
subscription_data.start_dateThis should be the next rent payment date. This should be a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
subscription_data.intervalThis should be the interval of the rent payment. This should be one of month or week.
subscription_data.interval_countThis should be the number of intervals between rent payments. For example, if the rent is paid monthly, this should be 1. If the rent is paid every 3 months, this should be 3.
subscription_data.amountThis should be the amount of the rent in the unit’s currency.
subscription_data.descriptionThis should be a description of the rent. This is visible to the tenant on their invoice.
applicants[0].share_of_rentThis should be an integer. For example, 100% share of rent should be 100.
You can add multiple applicants to a tenancy if there are multiple people sharing the rent. For each applicant increment the index of the applicants array. For example, the first applicant is applicants[0], the second applicant is applicants[1], and so on. The sum of all the applicants[].share_of_rent fields should be 100.

Active tenancies import

Download the active tenancies import template.