We currently support over 20 different payment methods that cover 135+ currencies, and we’re continuing to add more based on customer demand. Enabling an additional payment method is as simple as clicking a button. We automatically present your customers with the available methods based on the currency you’re charging in.

Manage payment methods

To manage your payment methods, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Payment methods.
  2. To enable a payment method, click Turn on.
  3. Clicking on a payment method will expand it’s card, showing you more information about the method.
  4. If you want to use the payment method for invoice payments, you’ll need to click Turn on in the invoice payments section of a payment method’s card.

You can easily see at a glance which payment methods you have enabled, and whether they can be used for invoice payments.


Cards are a popular way for consumers to make payments online. Yorlet supports global and local card networks. Learn more about supported cards.

GlobalEuropeUS and CanadaAsia
VisaCartes BancariesDiscoverJCB
MastercardChina Union Pay
American Express

Bank debits

Bank debits are commonly used for high-value payments like rent. The business can debit the customer’s bank account directly without having to rely on them pushing funds.

GlobalEuropeUS and CanadaAsia
Bacs Direct DebitACH Direct DebitBECS Direct Debit
SEPA Direct Debit

Bank redirects

Bank redirects let customers pay online using their bank account.

GlobalEuropeUS and CanadaAsia
Pay by Bank (UK)

Bank transfers

Customers can use bank transfers to send money to a virtual bank account set up by Yorlet to reconcile payments automatically. Learn more about bank transfers.

GlobalEuropeUS and CanadaAsia
UK Bank Transfer
SEPA Bank Transfer

Direct transfers

Customers pay online via their bank account directly into the platform’s client account. These payments happen outside of Yorlet. Learn more about direct transfers.

Supported countryCurrency
SwedenEUR, SEK
United Kingdom


Customers can use wallets to pay with a saved card. This provides a fast and secure way to pay and reduces fraud.

GlobalEuropeUS and CanadaAsia
Apply PayAlipay
Google Pay