Yorlet provides a dedicated dashboard and a simple workflow to effectively manage the deposit process, ensuring compliance and transparency. Deposits play a vital role in safeguarding your property and managing financial risks. With Yorlet, you can easily create, register, and return deposits, keeping all deposit-related information in one centralised location. Whether you choose to handle deposits through an integrated deposit protection scheme or manage them off-platform, Yorlet streamlines the process, allowing you to stay organised and confidently handle deposit-related tasks throughout the tenancy lifecycle.

Supported Deposit Registration Schemes (UK)

Yorlet allows you to create deposit records with the following schemes:

Please note that you can restrict certain deposit schemes in your account by navigating to your Deposit Settings. By toggling these on/off, you can ensure your team doesn’t accidentally register a deposit with the wrong provider.

Deposit statuses

  • Pending: The deposit is pending registration.
  • Active: The deposit has been registered on Yorlet.
  • Releasing: The tenant will be notified and asked if they agree with the charges that have been added or whether they dispute them.
  • Disputed: The tenant has disputed the deposit.
  • Pending return: The tenancy has ended, and the deposit needs to be returned to the tenant.
  • Returned: The deposit has been returned to the tenant.


If you require a snapshot of all the deposits you are currently holding in your client money account and what has been returned, Yorlet can generate a deposit report. Navigate to the Deposits report, you can specify dates for the report and are presented with:

  • Returned deposits: A detailed breakdown of returned deposits during the specified period.
  • Active deposits: A detailed breakdown of active deposits, including which schemes they are held with and what type they are (insured or custodial).

You can export a copy of this report to CSV using the Export button in the top right of the screen. To ensure this report is accurate, it’s important to stay up-to-date with your registration and return processes, as this will directly impact the data found here.